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Tepidarium: gentle sauna bliss

From past to present

In ancient times, tepidariums were an integral part of Roman bathing culture. There, they were used for lukewarm baths. Nowadays tepidariums are a great option for milder sauna sessions as they put less strain on the heart and circulation. Similar to the infrared sauna, the health-promoting effects of the tepidarium already unfold at low temperatures and with dry heat. While conventional saunas involve very high temperatures and humidity, tepidariums offer low or medium humidity and pleasant warmth. This is usually in the range of a normal body temperature or is slightly higher, e.g. 37 to 39 degrees Celsius.

What is a tepidarium?

A tepidarium often features heated loungers, benches, walls, and floors that create a cosy atmosphere. The gentle heat radiation has an extremely pleasant and relaxing effect on the body. In order for the tepidarium to unfold its positive effect, a stay of at least 30 minutes is recommended. Thanks to its the especially gentle temperatures, you can also extend your session without any negative repercussions.

A relaxing and regenerating sauna session

Deep relaxation, wonderfully gentle temperatures, and long-lasting regeneration are the focus of this mild sauna variant. Due to its radiating warmth, the tepidarium (which is quite similar to the Irish steam bath is particularly recommended for people who suffer from circulatory problems or who find a hot and humid sauna unpleasant. This type of sauna is also popular with people who want to prepare their body for a visit to a hotter sauna. A session in the tepidarium promotes overall well-being, relaxes the muscles, and boosts the immune system. In order to achieve a long-lasting effect, it is recommended to visit the tepidarium two to three times a week.

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