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Get your life energy flowing with Chi massage

Tried and tested massage form to combat various ailments

In traditional Chinese Medicine, “Chi” or “Qi” describes the life force that flows through the human body along so-called meridians, also known as energy pathways. If these pathways are blocked – e.g. because of stress, a sedentary lifestyle, or one-sided strain – various ailments can be the result. What helps in such cases is Chi massage, a traditional massage form from Asia with countless positive effects on the body and its energy levels.

What is Chi massage?

Chi massage stimulates the deep tissue and gets the energy flowing again. It uses a combination of pressure, stroking, and kneading movements along the acupuncture points of the meridians to release energy blockages. In this way, Chi massage doesn’t only focus on single ailments, but takes the physical balance into account.

What types of Chi massage are there?

Chi massage is an umbrella term for various massage forms from Asia, all of which focus on stimulating the life force energy. The most famous types of Chi massage are:

If Chi massage if offered as an individual massage form, this usually indicates a combination of the various massages and techniques mentioned above.

How does Chi massage help?

Chi massage helps combat various complaints: blocked flow of the life force enegy, e.g. painful muscular and fascial tensions in the neck and spine area, head and back pain, as well as stress conditions, exhaustion, and lethargy. Chi massage also helps restore the body’s natural balance and life flow energy and thus strengthens the physical and mental well-being. Additionally, it provides the patient with a lasting feeling deep relaxation, stimulates the lymphatic flow, and promotes physical regeneration. 

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