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Belvita Alpenwellness Genossenschaft

Perara . Strada Satzl 4
39042 Bressanone . Italy
Tel. +39 0473 499 499

Legal representative: Paul Zimmerhofer

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Chamber of Commerce Registration No.: 02291950216
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Paul Zimmerhofer

Design, Conception, Realisation
Brandnamic Srl
Hotel & Destination Marketing
Perara | Strada Satzl 4
39042 Bressanone | Italy
T +39 0472 678000
VAT No.: IT02610190213

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For detailed information on website management regarding the processing of users’ personal data, please refer to the "Privacy policy" document.


Belvita Alpenwellness Genossenschaft; Belvita Leading Wellnesshotels Südtirol (Brandnamic); Hotel Almhof Call (Klaus Peterlin, Laurin Moser, Alex Filz, Archiv); Hotel Alpen Tesitin Panorama Wellness Resort (Harald Wisthaler, Caroline Renzler & Fabian Haspinger, Archiv); Hotel DolceVita Hotel ALPIANA RESORT (Benjamin Gurndin, Günter Standl, Michael Huber, Archiv); Hotel AMONTI & LUNARIS Wellnessresort (Michael Huber, Manuel Kottersteger, Filippo Galluzzi, Florian Andergassen, Archiv); Hotel Cyprianerhof Dolomit Resort (Hannes Niederkofler, Günter Standl, Helmuth Rier, Charly Schwarz, Michael Huber, Stefano Scatà, Archiv); Hotel Alpin & Relax Hotel Das Gerstl (Angelika Ziernheld, Helmuth Rier, Florian Andergassen, Hannes Niederkofler, Klaus Peterlin, Frieder Blickle, Archiv); Hotel Spa & Relax Hotel Erika (Alex Filz, Martin Steinthaler, Archiv); Hotel Excelsior Dolomites Life Resort (Matteo Zappella, Michael Huber, Lorenz Masser, Sara Infraordinario Studio, Mateusz Turzynski, Archiv); Hotel Dolomiti Wellness Hotel Fanes (Roberto Grigis, Nicola Grigis, Archiv); Hotel Feldhof DolceVita Resort (Michael Huber, Archiv); Hotel Hohenwart (Andreas Hörnisch, Helmuth Rier, Oskar Dariz, Ydo Sol, Patrick Schwienbacher, Ilvy Rodler, Bernhard Sulzer, Anneliese Kompatscher, Daniel Werner, Archiv); Hotel Alpin Panorama Hotel Hubertus (Manuel Kottersteger, Alex Filz, Archiv); Hotel DolceVita Aktiv & Spa Hotel Jagdhof (Foto Atelier Wolkersdorfer, Michael Huber, Kirsten J. Sörries, Archiv); Hotel La Maiena Meran Resor (Armin Terzer, Michael Huber, Barbara Matha, Florian Andergassen, Mario Rabensteiner, Rupert Muelhbacher, Zeitgeist-Lisa Renner, Archiv); Hotel Lindenhof Lifestyle DolceVita Resort (TV Naturns Fireder Blickle, Andreas Marini, Elias Gianordoli, Fotostudio 2000 Naturns, Archiv); Hotel Naturhotel Lüsnerhof (Marika Unterladstätter, Hannes Niederkofler, Othmar Rederlechner, Stefano Scatà, Udo Bernhart, Marco Santini, Alex Filz, Archiv); Hotel Park Hotel Mignon (Stephan Fischnaller, Florian Andergassen, Armin Terzer, Joe Hölzl, Udo Bernhart, Archiv); Hotel Chalet Mirabell (Ferrigato, Andergassen, Frieder Blickle, Ydo Sol, Michael Huber, Egbert Krupp, Archiv); Hotel Hotel Mirabell Dolomites.Luxury.Ayurveda & Spa (Justine Mattera, Bernhard Sulzer, Hannes Niederkofler, Harald Wisthaler, Silbersalz, Helmuth Rier, Fabian Haspinger, Gasser Hermann Maria, Caroline Renzler & Fabian Haspinger, Archiv); Hotel Monika My Wellbeing Hotel - Dolomites (Michael Huber, Alfred Tschager, Daniel Zangerl, Hasselblad H5D, Archiv); Hotel Parc Hotel am See (Florian Andergassen, Helmuth Rier, Archiv); Hotel Naturhotel Pfösl (Helmuth Rier, Carolin Thiersch, Matteo Zappella, Florian Andergassen, Elias Gianordoli, Alfred Tschager, Günter Pichler, Gustav Willeit, Andrea Friedrich, Arnold Hofer, Archiv); Hotel Luxury DolceVita Resort Preidlhof (Lorenz Masser, Harry Schiffer, James Bedford, Rupert Mühlbacher, Michael Huber, Archiv); Hotel Quelle Nature SPA Resort (Michael Huber, Harald Wisthaler, James Bedford, Lorenz Masser, Helmuth Rier, Alex Filz, Archiv); Hotel Quellenhof Luxury Resort Passeier (Alfred Tschager, Florian Andergassen, Manuela Prossliner, Bernhard Sulzer - Tappeiner, Bernhard Sulzer, Meraner & Hauser, Archiv); Hotel Alpin Luxury SPA Resort Schwarzenstein (Filippo Galluzzi, Harald Wisthaler, Manuel Kottersteger, Dietmar Denger, Klaus Peterlin, Gerd Eder, Benno Prenn, benno prenn | klaus peterlin, , Archiv); The Mountain Sky Hotel (Günter Standl, Udo Bernhart, Marika Unterladstätter, Hannes Niederkofler, Foto Russotti, Archiv); Hotel Romantik Hotel Turm (Stefano Scatà, Infraordinario Studio, Klaus Lorke, Helmuth Rier, Ydo Sol, Archiv); Hotel Der Waldhof (Reinhard Schwienbacher, Archiv); Tourismusverein Gsieser Tal-Welsberg-Taisten (Kamilla Photography); TV Sulden (Frieder Blickle); Vinschgau Marketing (Frieder Blickle); IDM Südtirol (Alex Filz, Frieder Blickle, Marion Lafogler, Stefan Schütz, Clemens Zahn, Thomas Grüner, Helmuth Rier); Luis Trenker (Gerd Eder); - © 2021

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Regarding the transparency provisions for contributions and state aid pursuant to Art. 125–129 of Italian law no. 124 of 4 August 2017 and specifically pursuant to Art. 125 quinquies of said law, the cooperative hereby declares to have received contributions which are subject to mandatory disclosure, whereby all contributions appear in the Italian National Register of State Aid pursuant to Art. 52 of Italian law no. 234 of 24 December 2012. Reference is to be made to this register.

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