Jin Shin Jyutsu: healing hands
Relaxation technique and way of life
Would you believe us if we told you that your hands can heal? And that it only takes 15 minutes per day to feel vital and fit again? Welcome to the world of Jin Shin Jyutsu! While this Japanese art of healing is regarded as an alternative healing method in the western world, in eastern countries it represents a way of life in its own right. Like many other ancient healing methods, it aims to bring body and mind into balance.

What is Jin Shin Jyutsu?
Translated to English, the name Jin Shin Jyutsu means “compassion” (Jin), “creator” (Shin), and “art” (Jyutsu). Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient healing technique that was rediscovered and brought back to life by Jiro Murai in the nineties. The method is based on the assumption that life energy flows through our body in a multitude of energy pathways. Each part of our hand is assigned to certain organs, which in turn are connected to our emotions. Jin Shin Jyutsu aims at restoring our body’s natural energy flow and thus bringing body and mind back into harmony.
What are the benefits of Jin Shin Jyutsu?
Jin Shin Jyutsu is a simple and yet highly effective relaxation technique. You begin by crossing your arms and placing your hands under your armpits with your thumbs facing forward. While holding this position you exhale and imagine that the air stream flows outwards, from your head to the ends of your thumbs. You then concentrate on each finger of your hand by enclosing it with the other hand. Every single finger is connected to a certain type of emotion:
- Your thumb represents worry and depression and is connected to the stomach, pancreas, and spleen. Symptoms of imbalance are abdominal pain and headaches.
- Your index finger is associated with confusion and anxiety and is connected to the kidneys and bladder. Complaints are back and tooth aches.
- Your middle finger is associated with anger. The organ corresponding to it is the liver; typical complaints are migraine, visual disturbances, and states of exhaustion.
- Your ring finger is associated with fear of loss and insecurity and is associated with the colon and lungs. Complaints are asthma and digestive problems.
- Your little finger is the most important in Jin Shin Jyutsu. It embodies self-knowledge and is connected to the heart and the small intestine. Typical complaints are disorders of the nervous system, sore throat, and cardiovascular problems.