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Release blockages with Chakra massage

More balance and well-being through healing hands

When the energy centres of our body, also known as “Chakras”, are blocked, different ailments can be the result. The spectrum ranges from anxiety to panic attacks and physical discomfort. What helps in such cases are Chakra massages, a special form of energetic and spiritual work on the seven main Chakras of the body. The use of Chakra healing originated in India as a form of prana or energy healing.

What are Chakras?

Chakras are the energy centres of the body, i.e. the junctions where the complex energy pathways in the human body meet. The word “Chakra” comes from the Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “circle”. The human body is divided into seven main Chakras and a multitude of secondary Chakras. Each of the seven main Chakras supplies energy to specific areas of the body. If a Chakra is blocked, it can lead to problems in the associated body part.

The following themes and body areas are related to the seven main Chakras:

  • Root Chakra: located at the pelvis; connects to survival, stability, and security; influences the spine, bones, intestines, and blood
  • Sacral Chakra: located at the base of the spine; connects to joie de vivre and sexuality; influences the blood, lymphatic system, digestive juices, pelvic area, and hips
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: located near the belly button; connects to power of will and assertiveness; influences the lower back, stomach, liver, spleen, and pancreas
  • Heart Chakra: located in the centre of the chest along the spine; connects to love, closeness, and devoation; influences the heart, upper back, bloodstream, and skin
  • Throat Chakra: located a the base of the throat; connects to communication, truth, and creativity; influences the neck, back of the head, jaw, thyroid, bronchial tubes, and trachea
  • Third Eye Chakra: located between the eyebrows; connects to spirituality, view, and intuition; influences the face, eyes, ears, nose, and central nervous system
  • Crown Chakra: located on top of the forehead; connects to enlightenment; influences the cerebrum and pineal gland

What is Chakra massage?

In contrast to other forms of massage such as Abhyanga massage or Thai massage, Chakra massage does not use the typical stroking and kneading hand movements, but rather sees itself as energetic work on the main Chakras of the body.  Through a preliminary consultation and assessment of the patient’s Chakras, the massage therapist tries to find blocked Chakras. These Chakras are then stimulated and the blockages released through gentle touch with the palms of the hands. Visualisations, breath work, and aromatherapy can be used as support. The massage therapists always starts with the lower Chakras and work their way upwards.

How can Chakra massage help?

By relasing blocked Chakras, the natural flow of energy is restored in the corresponding area of the body. This promotes physical and mental well-being, improves self-awareness, and leads to a feeling of deep relaxation and connection. Anxietypanic, and exhaustion are alleviated, the ability to concentrate is increased, and creativity is enhanced. In addition, Chakra massage has positive effects on the immune system, blood circulation, metabolism, and organ function.

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