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Gentle sauna sessions in the bio sauna

All you need to know about this mild sauna

Do you love sauna sessions, but your circulation doesn’t like high temperatures of up to 100 degrees Celsius? Or are you a sauna newbie and just getting used to intense sweating? Then a bio sauna is the perfect sauna option for you! With its lower temperatures, the bio sauna is gentle on the cardiovascular system, yet still warm enough to have numerous positive effects on your health. Find out here what a bio sauna is and how it works.


What is a bio sauna?

The bio sauna is a gentle alternative to high-temperature saunas such as a Finnish sauna or tepidarium. The differences lie mainly in the lower temperatures and higher humidity. While the average temperature in the Finnish sauna, for example, is between 85 and 110 degrees Celsius, in the bio-sauna it is between 45 and a maximum of 60 degrees Celsius. The humidity of 40 to 55 percent is significantly higher than in the Finnish sauna, where it is only 10 to 20 percent. Since infusions are not possible in bio saunas due to the lower temperatures, they often feature special light and sound concepts that have a calming and relaxing effect on body and mind. Sometimes, a small bowl of essential oils is brought in to create an especially pleasant atmosphere. In the bio-sauna, several sauna sessions are usually carried out with rest and cooling phases in between. The stay in the sauna itself can last to up to 30 minutes due to the gentle warmth.

What are the positive effects of a bio sauna?

Bio saunas stimulate the metabolism, promote blood circulation, and increase the oxygen content in the blood. Metabolic waste products are sweated out, the immune system is strengthened, and the organism balanced. Furthermore, the high humidity has a cleansing effect on the airways and the gentle heat also provides relief from various skin problems. The changing colours in the bio sauna are said to have a harmonising effect: Blue has a soothing and calming effect, red is stimulating and is said to have a positive impact on skin diseases such as eczema and acne, green has a regenerating effect and can improve chronic diseases, and yellow uplifts the mood and helps with depression.

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