Abhyanga massage: soothing Ayurvedic treatment
Relaxing and cleansing full-body massage from India
The Abhyanga massage is not only an integral part of Ayurvedic health teachings, but also one of the most effective and beneficial treatments in general. As a full-body oil massage, it aims to balance the body’s energy centres, also known as “doshas”. A traditional Abhyanga massage is performed by two therapists, but it can also be performed by just one person using both hands.

What is an Abhyanga massage?
In the western world, the Abhyanga massage is also known as “great oiling”. It is preceded by an individual consultation with the massage therapist, who chooses the appropriate oils, techniques, and energy points to be massaged, depending on the patient’s needs. The therapist’s decision is based on the patient’s constitution, which is determined by the three Ayurvedic doshas, which are the energy patterns that flow through our bodies. Usually, the base oil is sesame oil, which penetrates deep into the tissues, nourishes the skin, and helps remove toxins. Depending on your constitution, health-promoting herbal extracts are added to the oil.
During the Abhyanga massage, deep relaxation is induced by long strokes over the skin and muscles, circular motions on the joints, and the massage of the individually selected energy points. The strokes are performed in two directions: “Anuloma”, which refers to strokes in the direction of hair growth with calming and balancing effect. And “partiloma”, which refers to strokes against the direction of hair growth with stimulating and invigorating effect. Both techniques can be used for "Samvahana", a gentle massage, and "Mardana", a strong pressure massage. In addition, there are various subtypes or partial massages of Abhyanga, for example the “Mukabhyanga” face massage and the “Prishtabhyanga” back massage.
What are the benefits of an Abhyanga massage?
According to Ayurveda, the benefits of Abhyanga massages can be divided into three main areas: first, the loosening of muscles, tendons, and tissues like with classic types of massages; second, the improvement of mental well-being; and third, the healing effect resulting from the absorption of the oil’s herbal essences. Abhyanga massages activate the lymphatic flow, help purify the body, and stimulate the removal of toxins, and thus have a cleansing and rejuvenating effect They improve blood circulation and metabolism and strengthen the immune system. Thanks to their calming effect, they also promote sleep quality and help reduce stress.